The 10 biggest curiosities of the email

by - 5:49 AM

The 10 biggest curiosities of the email

There are more than 4,500 million addresses and a day more than 320,000 million emails are exchanged

  Every day more than 320,000 million emails are exchanged around the world. With approximately 2,800 million users and more than 4,500 million email addresses, according to the Radicatti Group, email is undoubtedly the most widespread communication and information exchange channel on the planet. It is used both personally and professionally and for all kinds of issues, from the most trivial to those of greater importance.

In the framework of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, which takes place this Wednesday with the aim of raising awareness about the possibilities of using the internet, this list is offered with eEvidence data with ten curiosities and tips on the mail electronic:

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