The 22-year-old surfer who stopped Wanna Cry

by - 5:50 AM

The 22-year-old surfer who stopped Wanna Cry

The young British Marcus Hutchins dismantled the cyber attack that affected thousands of computers around the world

  Marcus Hutchins, a young British man of only 22 years, is rained with compliments and job offers. No wonder, this lover of surfing and passionate about new technologies managed to stop the unstoppable progress of the cyber attack that last Friday reached thousands of computers around the world, infecting important companies and multinationals.

  Self-taught computer scientist, never went to college, lover of pizza and Pokémon, Hutchins has ceased to be a stranger to become a global hero. It was not his intention, he tried to keep his anonymity in social networks under the pseudonym of Malware Tech and the avatar of a cat with glasses but, his real name did not take long to come to light.

Now he fears a possible revenge on the part of the hackers. He explained his fear of the Daily Mail, "in the future someone might want to retaliate and find me in a matter of seconds." Fear of hackers, who so far have raised more than $ 30,000 from the victims and that put in check more than 200,000 computers in 150 different countries.

The 10 best invested dollars of Hutchins

The solution to eliminate the virus cost the ridiculous figure of $ 10.69 and was created in his own room. "Quickly I was able to get a sample of the malware with the help of a friend and fellow researcher." When I executed it in my analysis environment, I learned that it was calling an unregistered domain that ended in, said the computer specialist, exclusively for the Daily Mail.

He checked that the domain was free and proceeded to buy it for $ 10.69. He later redirected traffic to a server in Los Angeles. This was the necessary process carried out to stop the ransomwere. Precisely since California has received a succulent job offer for their efforts to combat the virus, however, he says he has no intention of leaving his current job.

The young man continues to work with the National Center for Cybersecurity in the United Kingdom to prevent the development of a new strain of malicious software. Hutchins himself has warned of the possibility of a second wave of attacks. He continues to live in England at his parents' house and his younger brother, in a town on the Devon coast.

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