Paypal, the number one target for hackers

by - 8:39 AM

Paypal, the number one target for hackers

Its popularity is an easy target for the theft of confidential information

   With more than 179 million users worldwide, Paypal is the precious toy for hackers. The large amount of information that the company stores is the main reason it is one of the preferred companies for phishing or identity theft.

This type of threat affects both users and companies, and can cause them to lose sensitive information and large amounts of money, points out Check Point Software Tecnhologies.

   According to data from the OpenPhish website, Paypal is at the top of the 10 most used brands by cybercriminals to carry out their attacks. The main reasons are its popularity and the large amount of personal information of users available.

Paypal never sends attachments, or emails with impersonal greetings, nor does it ask for personal information by email. That is why Check Point experts recommend looking at the sender of the mail.

"Paypal's official emails will always have an email address that ends in, and hackers can use the username" Paypal ", but if the Internet user pays attention he will see that the message comes from a different domain" , they point out in a press release.

Hyperlinks sent by phishing attacks are very suspicious since they do not have the https protocol, which indicates that a website is safe.

In addition to following these guidelines, Check Point encourages companies to train their employees to navigate securely, and recommends that they purchase advanced cybersecurity solutions.

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