The chatbots will occupy the call centers in 2020

by - 2:41 PM

The chatbots will occupy the call centers in 2020

Half of the tasks currently paid can be automated

  Calls to customer service centers are increasingly occupied in the first instance by automatic answering machines that refer to the operators when they have already known the query that will be made.

In 2020, the 'call center' agents will be replaced by intelligent 'chatbots'. Almost 50% of the tasks paid today could be automated, but in the case of the 'call centers', the percentage would rise to almost 100%.

   The data has been collected in a study conducted by the company specializing in natural language processing and the semantic search INBENTA. The study tells how the 'chatbots' will influence the customer services of the companies and how in 2020 they will have been able to replace the 'call center' agents.

The technological one places in the very near future the extinction of those professional profiles whose work is capable of being carried out by machines with the same efficiency as a human being. The company has highlighted the professional profile of the 'call center' agent, whose replacement and automation is growing exponentially each year, as one of the first protagonists of this extinction.

The competitive advantages of the 'chatbots', Inbenta points out the main human limitations: machines do not need to sleep or eat, they lack feelings, they are faster and their knowledge is much wider than that of men, among many others. However, artificial intelligence is still limited today, says the company.

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